Photo editing and its techniques

Photo editing is useful in both commercial and personal life. However, the importance of editing in both these areas has a huge difference. Editing may not seem important while clicking day-to-day pictures however, the importance of editing increases manifold when the photos are used for promoting business.

What is photo editing?

Photo editing, in simple words, is the act of manipulating an image. However, the process of photo editing is not as simple as it is described. It is a complex technique that can either scrap your image or can beautify it. Some of the editing techniques are done manually while there are some that are done through automated photo editing software. You can also do offline photo editing on photos, posters, banners, etc. You can study photo editing in detail with this link

Techniques used for editing images

  • Toning with color balance, hue/saturation adjustment, levels: This is one of the effective technique of toning a picture. You can use these three adjustment layers to tone images if you do not wish to use the black & white adjustment layer. You should first use the color adjustment layer then add the level adjustment layer to the picture and lastly use hue/saturation adjustment layer to fine-tune the colors.
  • Crush highlights with curves: You can add contrast with the help of the curve adjustment layer. Here, you need to bring the top point of the curve on the right side a little down and later add a second point near the top point. This will reduce the range of highlights. This technique should preferably be used for high key images.
  • Layer mask: Layer mask is an important technique of editing. It is very difficult to get the right tone without the help of layer masking. You can edit different parts of the picture using a layer mask.

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