Unlocking the Benefits of TEFL in Peru

Peru is a country that is rich in culture and history. It has a vibrant local community that is eager to learn English in order to broaden their job opportunities. As a result, Peru TEFL has become a popular profession in the country. In this guide, we will explore the requirements for teaching in Peru, the job market, and the culture of the country to give you all the information you need to pursue TEFL in Peru.

Requirements for Teaching in Peru

To teach in Peru, you will need a bachelor’s degree in any field. A TEFL, TESL, CELTA, or TESOL certificate may also be required depending on the school and the position. If you don’t have a teaching certificate, you can acquire this certification online before arriving in Peru. Some schools may also require previous teaching experience as well as a background check.

Job Market

Most jobs in the TEFL industry in Peru can be found in Lima, the capital city of the country. Private language schools are the most common employers, but there are also opportunities to work in universities, private schools, and government institutions. The pay varies depending on the position and school, but it typically ranges between $800-1600 USD per month. Additionally, some schools also offer housing and airfare reimbursement in their contract.

Culture in Peru

Peru is known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and delicious cuisine. The culture is heavily influenced by its indigenous people and Spanish colonization. The country is home to many ruins of ancient civilizations such as the Inca Empire. Machu Picchu is a world-famous tourist attraction located in the Andes Mountains. The food in Peru is diverse and delicious. Dishes such as ceviche, lomosaltado, and papa a la huancaína are traditional dishes that are worth trying.

Living and Working in Peru

The cost of living in Peru is relatively low. Rent can range from $300-600 USD per month depending on the location and size of the apartment. Food and transportation are also affordable. While Lima is a large city with many neighborhoods, most teachers tend to live in the Miraflores or Barranco areas. These areas are considered more upscale and safer than others in the city.


TEFL in Peru can be a rewarding experience for those who are willing to take the leap. The country’s rich culture and history, delicious food, and affordable cost of living make it an ideal place for a TEFL adventure. Obtaining a TEFL certification online and securing a position at a private language school will set you up for a comfortable and exciting experience. Whether you’re looking for a short-term or long-term commitment, teaching English in Peru is definitely something to consider.

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