Why do all the people blame social networking sites for all the illegal activities nowadays?
There are so many people who blame hack IG for all the crime and illegal things that are going on, especially nowadays. There are so many people putting up a lot of content and people don’t even keep their accounts private. Keeping a public account is something everyone should do but only if all good humans are left on the earth. Nowadays it’s true that we can’t trust anyone and human beings are the one who are killing all the other human beings for their own profit. That is why we come across so many people who suggest keeping your Instagram account private. Forget about others. It’s your parents who strictly want to keep your account private because they have seen the world and they understand humans better than you because they have met so many people in three lives and have a full understanding of what goes on in others’ minds. So next time if your parents will advise you to keep your account private then don’t grudge against the old man. We are moving into a world where it is really important to make sure that we socialize ourselves and learn all the new things each and every day but at the same time it is really important to take care of your security as well. People will not do that for you. Your parents will not do that for you all the time; it’s you who have to take care of yourself. There are few things that you need to keep in mind when you are using social networking sites so that you won’t face any such problems in the future related to security or any such thing. First and foremost you need to keep in mind that you need to socialize our socializing; putting up all your information is something you should really avoid on social networking sites such as Instagram. Instagram is a place to share what you do in EverReady’s life and put up all such stuff among your friends. So make sure you only keep up to that extent.
What would happen if we won’t make sure of all the privacy things with our IG account?
Anything above that will not provide you with all the security things. Make sure you don’t get to the point where you start looking for a account for yourself but in case you do, insupportable got your back.